
What is Object-Oriented Programming

A mind blown point for me to this problem is when I read what Alan Kay said about the meaning of Object-Oriented Programming:

OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP. There are possibly other systems in which this is possible, but I’m not aware of them.

So, basically, there are three fundamental things about OOP:

1. Messaging

Some people may think class is the fundamental component of OOP. But if we think further, a class is just data and the behaviors related to these data. And here, behavior is just another expression for “message”.

2. Local retention and protection and hiding of state-process

I will choose another word for this part - Encapsulation.

Think about the data in a class. They are all encapsulated into an instance so that the user of this instance doesn’t need to know what data it holds, but only needs to know what messages it responds to.

3. Extreme late-binding of all things

Both messaging and encapsulation serve this purpose. And almost all the techniques we are using in Object-Oriented Programming - Inheritance, Delegation, Composition, Polymorphism, you name it - are aimed for this purpose, too.

With this, you don’t need to know what object responds to your message when you send it to an object. The response can happen anywhere: the object itself (within its singleton class), its mixins, its superclass, etc.

But what can late-binding help us in programming?

Alan Kay(Smalltalk 以及面向对象的作者)对面向对象编程的解释非常的精辟:

“OOP to me means only messaging, local retention, and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things.”



  1. 消息传递 有的观点认为「类」是面向对象的基础。但是如果我们仔细想一想,一个「类」只是一个数据结构加上和这个数据结构有关的行为。而这里的「行为」,也正是 Alan Kay 所说的「消息」。

  2. 状态的保存、保护和隐藏 这个过程也就是我们常说的「封装」。「封装」原则要求我们尽可能地隐藏我们的数据结构。当我们使用一个封装良好的对象时,我们不需要知道它保存了什么数据,只需要了解这个对象能够接收哪些「消息」。

  3. 对一切操作的延迟绑定 延迟绑定,又称为动态绑定,是面向对象语言实现的终极目标之一。「消息传递」和「封装」的出现都是为了实现这一目标。





如果没有「延迟绑定」,那我们就需要理解这个程序里的所有的逻辑。我们就会像一个需要事事操心的经理,而不是一个带领团队、放眼全局的 CEO。
